Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes it's a quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow"...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I can't believe this...

I actually called my Dr today to see if there was a way to bring on my AF early! I know! Me!

Here's the reason: I'm going on a cruise. Yep, I'm being selfish. Because of how wacky last month's cycle was, my AF is scheduled to show up the day we leave for the boat. That is the LAST thing that I want! Aside from the obvious discomfort & extra packing that would create, I don't want to be shark bait! The can smell a drop of blood for miles! NO WAY!!!

The good news is that my Dr office shared my good sense. However, instead of bringing it on early, we're going to delay it with Progesterone. Now, by delaying it for over a week, it's going to mean that next cycle is going to be squirrely... This is gonna be fun... Not!

Ah, the things we do with out bodies... Because IF ain't enough, we have to find new ways to torture ourselves...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ha frickin' HA!

The universe has one hell of a sense of humor. On the same day that I find out that yet ANOTHER one of my friends is pregnant (a friend whose husband didn't even want kids), I get an email from a company that I have done market research for in the past. What's wrong with that you ask? Well the research this time was for BIRTH CONTROL! Yep, that's right, send the woman who can't get pregnant, who has a barren womb, a study about using a drug to NOT have a baby... Some times you just have to laugh at how ludicrous it all is. If you don't laugh, you'll just go insane (or end up with pirate liver)...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Our 100th Episode!

Not really. But this will be my 100th cycle without getting pregnant. I just love even numbers... NOT!

So because this really ISN'T a positive thing, I'm going to make it into something that is. I'm going to make myself get out and walk for over 100 minutes this weekend. I'm going to use that time to clear my head. That way I can face this next cycle with a fresh new start. Any one want to join me? It won't be hard, but it WILL be good for you!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Snow White and her 7 negative pee sticks...

Every month it's the same. We just can't wait to see if our period is actually late. We have no patience. We just have to know NOW! So what do we do? Come on ladies, you all know... We begin peeing on a stick. We start only a week after ovulation. We know it's not going to show up that fast, yet we torture ourselves anyway. It's a sick little game that we just can't stop. And now, if you'll excuse me... I need to pee... 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Staring is rude!

So as it turns out, staring at your fertility chart will not make you pregnant. It will however, make your eyes cross. It always seems like the months that you have the weirdest symptoms or cycle we stare the most. Why do we do this to ourselves? Who knows... Ok, I'm off to go stare some more... 

Monday, March 7, 2011

No coffee? Srsly?

Yep, no coffee. Today is day one. It's going to suck. There have been countless studies showing the negative effects of coffee & caffeine in general on the female body. It makes us retain water, screws with our hormones, and it's just plain bad! Of course as I say all of this, I'm thinking "but I like it so much!" Why, knowing all of those cons? Because I'm addicted! Damn it!!! Ok, now that I've got that out... Wish me luck ya'll!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What a month...

So with it's ups & downs, I feel this month was a bust. A lot has changed in my life this month though. It's not a bad thing, just time for some changes. Diet, back to exercising, taking some new stuff, just basics. I think the biggest change has been my outlook & attitude. I'm trying to see everything in a positive light. I think in the long run this is going to be the best building block.